fan club

Fan Club

Come and join Tinkerbell Clarita and TomTom. Guess what? They now have a fan club. All you have to do is subscribe at with the caption I want to join the Fan Club. It’s free! On joining the fan club, your child/ren will receive: A Fan Club Numbered ID card.Personally signed photos of Tinkerbell,

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The adventures of Tinkerbell, Clarita and TomTom

TCT Cooper Comes from East Anglia Ipswich in Suffolk, Uk. Famously known as Constable Country. Cooper travelled extensively with her two children and loved every crazy moment of the experience. They became known as the “Happy Family”. She has lived in Spain and Africa and settled in Germany with her two children, where she works

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Coming Soon

Get ready for further Adventures of Tinkerbell Clarita and TomTom. Guess what? They have to help Father Christmas, Soon you will new friends, Hurri Upperladder, Oostin Meani adn Bee em Dobalo, Santas Eleves. Oh what a muddle they are in with all that snow. Facebook Instagram Linkedin

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Welcome to the TCT Cooper home page.

I have set up this website for two reasons. Firstly, to promote my work as an author and painter. Secondly, help other authors and painters to promote their work.
We all know how hard it is to find ways of promoting our work within the publishing and artist industry, especially on a tight budget. There are platforms on the internet that are available and groups to join to promote yourself, whether it be Amazon, Facebook, Tiktok, or Instagram. The list is endless. Let’s face it, We all want to sell our work, whether books or art.
Our stress levels go through the roof as we struggle and strive to believe in our work and ourselves. Are we good enough, will the public like my work? And at the pinnacle of our insecurities. We must find a way to navigate and weave through the minefield of social media and discovery.

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